Is it ethical for science to be interfering with nature by ‘engineering’ the genetic codes of life, with completely unknown long-term risks? “Genetic engineering is like performing heart surgery with a shovel. Scientists do not yet understand living systems completely enough to perform DNA surgery without creating mutations which could be harmful to the environment and our health. They are experimenting with very delicate, yet powerful forces of nature, without full knowledge of the repercussions.”
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Plant biologist T. Colin Campbell (Center for Nutritional Studies) has expressed his grave concerns, as an experienced scientist, that GMO crops run far ahead of our understanding of their risks. “As a biologist I have become much more appreciative of the complexity of biological organisms and their capacity for benefits and harms, and as a scientist I have become much more humble about the capacity of science to do more than scratch the surface in its understanding of the deep complexity and diversity of the natural world. To paraphrase a cliché, I more and more appreciate that as scientists we understand less and less..”
“Nature Doesn’t Make Mistakes; Humans Do. The new generation of genetic tinkering (CRISPR, gene drives, RNAi, etc.,) pose an unprecedented threat to nature. The most urgent and dangerous application of GMO 2.0 is the engineering of microbes. ”
(IRT - Institute for Responsible Technology)
Millions of genetically modified mosquitoes are set to be released in California and Florida
(Epoch Times 09 March, 2022)
The mosquitoes were made by UK-based biotechnology firm Oxitec, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in an effort to combat insect-borne diseases such as dengue fever, yellow fever, and the Zika virus.
Friends of the Earth comment: This is a destructive move that is dangerous for public health. The biggest concern is the lack of widespread, peer-reviewed scientific data regarding the generically modified insects and the potential risk they could bring. Once you release these mosquitoes into the environment, you cannot recall them. This could, in fact, create problems that we don’t have already.”
In the words of a reader comment:
“Nature has a way of balancing things out and “man” has a way of meddling and screwing it up.”
So the process of genetic engineering is like throwing a dart at our DNA and saying “we’ll just turn this one off or turn this one on or make this one higher,” disregarding the collateral damage.....
GMO Companies Cover-Up the Evidence and Rig the Research
"New genetic engineering technologies, such as gene editing are being hailed with the familiar promises of revolutionizing food production, medicine, fuels, textiles, and other areas while allegedly posing no risks and thus need no regulation. We don’t think so.
Genetic engineering techniques have become so inexpensive, we can easily and permanently reorder the code of life, irreversibly altering wild populations of any organism that contains DNA.
We face the unprecedented threat of the widespread corruption and replacement of nature’s gene pool. In the U.S., gene-edited organisms can be released into the environment without any assessments."
'The most common outcome of genetic engineering is surprise side-effects. We can’t predict whether our delicate ecosystem, which evolved naturally over billions of years, would survive the assault of these new species.' #ProtectNatureNow #NoGMO #geneticengineering #reverence4all
Are GMO's Making You Sick?
Food for thought. The Institute for Responsible Technology warns us about the health risks and environmental dangers of GMO foods and crops.
GMOs are BAD for your body, BAD for the community, BAD for farmers and BAD for the environment.
"Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are created when a gene from one species is transferred to another, creating something that would not be found in nature. The health consequences of eating genetically modified organisms are largely unknown. Genetically engineered foods have not been shown to be safe to eat and may have unpredictable consequences. When trans-fats were first introduced, corporations battled to get them onto your grocery shelves – and it is only decades later that this once novel food has been proven to be extremely unhealthful. Many scientists are worried that the genetically altered foods, once consumed, may pass on their mutant genes to bacterium in the digestive system. How these new strains of bacteria may affect our body systems’ balance is anybody’s guess."
Once the mutant genes are out of the bag, there is no going back. Genetically modified organisms contaminate existing seeds with their altered material, passing on modified traits to non-target species. This creates a new strain of plant that was never intended in the laboratory. In Japan, a modified bacteria created a new amino acid not found in nature; it was used in protein drinks and before it was recalled it caused severe mental and metabolic damage to hundreds as well as several deaths. Japan banned GMOs after this horrific experience. Monarch butterflies have also died after their favourite food, milkweed, was cross-pollinated from Bt corn which rendered it toxic to the endangered species.
Shilo Urban (reproduced from Organic Authority }
"Sometimes, our finite minds don’t always foresee the potential dangers or ramifications of these innovations on human life. This is why it’s dangerous to separate science from philosophy and ethics. These decisions shouldn’t just be left up to scientists or experts who may be preoccupied with scientific advancement without a larger, ethical perspective and boundaries."
"Did Will Smith’s I Am Legend teach us nothing? It seems as if we can’t get away from scientists who want to modify the genetic code of all the world around us, producing more and more GMOs. While we already have Bill Gates planning to darken the sun (not genetic modification, but a bizarre and potentially very dangerous modification all the same), we now have a series of other serious experiments being released upon the public."
(Natural Blaze)
(the story of an experimental cancer cure that mutates.. with terrible consequences)
(from the Organic Consumers Association) "Scientists, working in labs around the world, tinker with viruses, bacteria and microorganisms for one purpose: to make them as infectious and as deadly as possible to humans, especially our most vulnerable populations. The work is called gain-of-function research. In the case of COVID-19, this type of research involved taking a bat virus, and through genetic engineering and/or animal experiments, intentionally making that virus highly infectious and highly transmissible to humans.
Why spend money, time and valuable brainpower creating viruses that have the potential to wipe out millions of people?.
It’s time to end the reckless genetic engineering and weaponizing of pathogenic viruses and organisms, carried out under the guise of “biomedicine” and “biodefense,” by demanding an immediate and total global ban on all gain-of-function research.
Gain-of-function experiments aim to increase the transmissibility and virulence of existing viruses, making them deadlier for humans.
Serial Passaging allows virus to jump species (gain of function) "Passaging refers to a genetic engineering technique where a virus is grown in a series of different animal tissue cultures. With each “pass,” the virus will mutate slightly, gaining different functions. Considering the genetic engineering technology now available, a virus could gain the ability to infect a host species it could not infect before. Some experts have speculated that this might be one way in which SARS-CoV-2 was created."
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RNA 'operating systems'
"As these RNA “operating systems” are installed in human bodies, it becomes even more clear that drug companies are looking to genetically modify and own human proteins while controlling biological processes for generations to come. On both a psychological and physiological level, human beings are being branded like cattle as they submit to these mRNA software programs. This system is not medicine, nor is it vaccination. This system is complete cellular manipulation, using foreign biological molecules to code, decode, regulate, change the expression of, and alter the physiological instructions within human beings."
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Time to call a halt to genetic modification & manipulation, to stop all the weird human-animal experiments, and to prohibit any more ‘gain of function serial passaging’ lab work on viruses, to which many have attributed the ‘novel’ Sars Cov-2 outbreak in 2019?
Transhumanism - Behind closed doors, weird human-animal experiments
DECLARATION: " I AM OPPOSED to any form of genetic modification, genetic manipulation, or genetic engineering, and I will not knowingly accept any ‘GMO’ products or processes. It is my Belief that Genetic Engineering is inherently wrong and dangerous to the human race.
Accordingly, I OBJECT to any tinkering with the genetic codes of humans, or, indeed, of any other life form. I do not feel that mankind has any right to interfere with Nature, attempting to ‘Play God’ in this way. I regard the current course of science, in conducting vile human-animal genetic experiments to be utterly grotesque, repugnant and evil.
I ALSO CONDEMN the manipulation of viruses and other organisms in dangerous ‘gain of function’ experiments."